Email Marketing Is Not Dead.
A few years ago, some marketers were claiming that email is dead. With increased excitement over social platforms, email marketing got less emphasis or was ignored altogether.
We didn’t subscribe to the thought that email marketing was ever on life support. In fact, it has always been an important part of the mix of recommendations we offer for a good digital plan. Regardless of impressions from a few years ago, today smartphones have clearly brought email marketing back to the forefront.
The reality is, email remains one of the most powerful and cost-effective marketing tools at your disposal. In some industries, email marketing is delivering over four times the return on investment you’d get out of other strategies.
Because it is so cost-effective, we recommend making this solution a core part of any integrated marketing plan our customers use. Of course, your optimal return with any marketing strategy happens when it is integrated alongside other successful strategies.
Where Email is most effective.
Email marketing is very effective at building loyalty and encouraging repeat business. You can do that in a variety of ways. Here are a few we typically recommend:
- Providing customers new information and useful content
- Offering email-only discounts and benefits for loyal customer Providing customers fun and entertaining content or activities (think contests)
- Reminding customers the benefits of your product or service
- Notifying customers of new offerings
Like all our services, we can help you get setup with the right tools and education to run programs yourself or our team can do the work with little to no intervention from you, so you can authorize a campaign and then let us work. Contact us today to get started.
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